Tuesday, June 15, 2010

12lbs in 7weeks... and counting!

So its been about 7 weeks since I have started my new venture with this thing we call weight loss. And i must say I have been doing go but its been hard. i have had a few slip ups and in week 4 and 5 I had more then one day of cheating and i missed out at the gym. But I'm learning to keep to what i know is healthy. I have been pushing hard this past week and man oh man I have seen a change. And that change is in the numbers of pounds i have lost! I'm not really a fan of weighing in. I actually hate it. i feel discouraged when i step on and look at what I see. or I feel scared that the number Im going to see isn't one that will put a smile on my face BUT this time I had a BIG SMILE! i lost 6lbs in a 2 weeks. I have been losing a Pound here and 2 pounds there but 6lbs is great! so far i have lost a total of 12lbs in 7 weeks. Some might think its a small number but when you're doing it right and healthy thats a GREAT number. I had a strong week last week and plan to do it again for this week. I added weights and I'm running more.
Just last week i started to feel like I wasn't doing anything right. I was feeling down but I didnt turn to food for comfort nor did I hide in my shell. I talked to people about the things I was going through and I pushed even harder at the gym to make me feel good. I must say i LOVE the feeling after doing that then after eating junk. Im learning to love myself and learning to feel like a beautiful women. Im starting to feel like I can be where i want to be. I see a small little light far far away but its getting closer and Im not in the dark anymore. I have more hope that i will for sure accomplished my goal. Thank you to everyone who have been there for me. Thank you for pushing me when I wanna stop. To those that think i post to much on my facebook about going to the gym and the foods I eat. i use that to keep me on track. The fact that people are reading makes me happy and pushes me to show you all that if I can do this so can you! Well its late and Im super tired. That reminds me the one thing i have to do is get a good sleeping pattern and stick to it. im don't get that much sleep and i know thats every important if i want to lose weight and be healthy! So Good night!

Here's to a healthy booty

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

"Skinny Fat People"

I have been so busy lately that is why i have been MIA from the blogging world. Even though i think of blogging everyday since I have so much to write about during my weight loss journey. I have my cousin here for 6 weeks and yesterday we were talking about losing weight and about insecurities. I was talking about the gym and she told me where she is from people don't go to the gym. i asked why and she said everyone is skinny there.. But they are more like "Skinny fat people' i asked what she meant by that and she told me that these women are skinny but eat very unhealthy and are not athletic at all. Then i started to think how many people out there I think have the perfect body but still are very unhealthy. I never thought about that before. i never thought that the one person I would like to look like might be unhealthy. How I might be healthier then she is even though I'm 50lbs heavier then she is. See we all look up to someone. it might be someone famous or it might be that one girl you always see at the mall. However it is think about how they really live their life. You might be surprised on how happier you are then they will ever be. Being healthy doesn't mean you have to look like a twig. but a healthy life is eating right and being able to work out longer then an hour. Make your goals your goals and try not to look like the girl next door. Every body is different. As long as you love yourself that's what matters the most. Keep on going and don't give up. I remind myself that every day! I'm one pound closer then i was a month ago and that alone makes my happy. :)

Here's to a Healthy booty