Monday, May 10, 2010

El Gimnasio

El Gimnasio, the Gym. Its place where ppl go to work out, feel great, get sore, Some might even use it to pick up on girls. LOl But I use it to get to my goal faster and work on my insecurities. I go to think. I go to laugh (with Analiza) I go to feel better about myself. Feel like Im accomplishing a better life. Event though there are days i don't want to work out. i don't want to be around girls with a way better body then i do. But instead of using that to have negative thinking I have been using it for the positive. I look at them and get inspired. Instead of being upset that I'm not where they are at I say "ill be there soon enough" and keep pushing hard..

I just finished week #1 on Friday and let me tell you it was hard but so good. We took some way cool classes and some not so much. We have been pushing hard. We have been pushing each other. Today marks week #2. I'm gong in with a bang. Trying to keep thinking good about myself and knowing that I have many readers that support me and are inspired makes me push that much harder.

When you think of the word "gym" some might not get excited and some might be scared to even enter through those doors. Use the gym as a positive thing, not as a scary one. Go and make friends or go with ppl you love. It will be easier. It will be fun. It will change your life!

Here's to a healthy booty,


  1. I'm so proud of you! Yeah if you find classes that you like and things that you enjoy at the gym you end up enjoying it. My favorite classes are step, zummba, spinning, turbo kickboxing, yoga, and pilates.

    You're doing great!

  2. I'm glad your'e doing it. You looked great today. Keep it up. Don't be afraid to lift weights, even small ones. You won't get bulky like a dude, it just doesn't happen with women. You'll gain muscle and muscle burns more calories. FACT!
