Tuesday, June 15, 2010

12lbs in 7weeks... and counting!

So its been about 7 weeks since I have started my new venture with this thing we call weight loss. And i must say I have been doing go but its been hard. i have had a few slip ups and in week 4 and 5 I had more then one day of cheating and i missed out at the gym. But I'm learning to keep to what i know is healthy. I have been pushing hard this past week and man oh man I have seen a change. And that change is in the numbers of pounds i have lost! I'm not really a fan of weighing in. I actually hate it. i feel discouraged when i step on and look at what I see. or I feel scared that the number Im going to see isn't one that will put a smile on my face BUT this time I had a BIG SMILE! i lost 6lbs in a 2 weeks. I have been losing a Pound here and 2 pounds there but 6lbs is great! so far i have lost a total of 12lbs in 7 weeks. Some might think its a small number but when you're doing it right and healthy thats a GREAT number. I had a strong week last week and plan to do it again for this week. I added weights and I'm running more.
Just last week i started to feel like I wasn't doing anything right. I was feeling down but I didnt turn to food for comfort nor did I hide in my shell. I talked to people about the things I was going through and I pushed even harder at the gym to make me feel good. I must say i LOVE the feeling after doing that then after eating junk. Im learning to love myself and learning to feel like a beautiful women. Im starting to feel like I can be where i want to be. I see a small little light far far away but its getting closer and Im not in the dark anymore. I have more hope that i will for sure accomplished my goal. Thank you to everyone who have been there for me. Thank you for pushing me when I wanna stop. To those that think i post to much on my facebook about going to the gym and the foods I eat. i use that to keep me on track. The fact that people are reading makes me happy and pushes me to show you all that if I can do this so can you! Well its late and Im super tired. That reminds me the one thing i have to do is get a good sleeping pattern and stick to it. im don't get that much sleep and i know thats every important if i want to lose weight and be healthy! So Good night!

Here's to a healthy booty

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

"Skinny Fat People"

I have been so busy lately that is why i have been MIA from the blogging world. Even though i think of blogging everyday since I have so much to write about during my weight loss journey. I have my cousin here for 6 weeks and yesterday we were talking about losing weight and about insecurities. I was talking about the gym and she told me where she is from people don't go to the gym. i asked why and she said everyone is skinny there.. But they are more like "Skinny fat people' i asked what she meant by that and she told me that these women are skinny but eat very unhealthy and are not athletic at all. Then i started to think how many people out there I think have the perfect body but still are very unhealthy. I never thought about that before. i never thought that the one person I would like to look like might be unhealthy. How I might be healthier then she is even though I'm 50lbs heavier then she is. See we all look up to someone. it might be someone famous or it might be that one girl you always see at the mall. However it is think about how they really live their life. You might be surprised on how happier you are then they will ever be. Being healthy doesn't mean you have to look like a twig. but a healthy life is eating right and being able to work out longer then an hour. Make your goals your goals and try not to look like the girl next door. Every body is different. As long as you love yourself that's what matters the most. Keep on going and don't give up. I remind myself that every day! I'm one pound closer then i was a month ago and that alone makes my happy. :)

Here's to a Healthy booty

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Dont let it go wrong!

The other day I was flipping through the channel when i happen to stumble on Oprah. i don't see her show that much anymore but when i saw what they were talking about i was very interested. They were talking about a book call "Women food and God" She had 2 friends there that had stopped talking to each other many times in their lives and it was all because one of the women had lost so much weight that her friend didn't want anything to do with her. I started to think how selfish that person was. i know for me i have a ton of friends that hit their goal weight and I'm nothing BUT excited and Happy for them. As a matter of fact it pushes me to get there faster. Well The friends are now super close but not because the other accepted the fact that she lost weight but because she gained all of her weight and some. They now are super over weight but friends. The author of the book told them that their friendship is based on their insecurities and self hate.

I know for me i would want nothing but love and support however I have been hit with someone giving me negative support. A person that i don't even know told me that I was a Fat Loser and I needed to get over myself."He" commented on a post a while back. I was hurt. How can a person not want the best for someone else? How can a person not love you for who you are today? I mean come on I'm sure people are happy for you right? i hear stories on people losing friends when losing weight. its sad. It SUCKS! Some will stop losing the weight and hate them self to keep those "friends" close. i say lose them. i say keep those that LOVE you and support you. Don't let them hold you back. Don't let it go wrong. Keep pushing. i know I am. And one day those "friends" will realized that they are the ones with insecurities and only using you as a mirror.

Here's to a Healthy Booty

Monday, May 10, 2010

El Gimnasio

El Gimnasio, the Gym. Its place where ppl go to work out, feel great, get sore, Some might even use it to pick up on girls. LOl But I use it to get to my goal faster and work on my insecurities. I go to think. I go to laugh (with Analiza) I go to feel better about myself. Feel like Im accomplishing a better life. Event though there are days i don't want to work out. i don't want to be around girls with a way better body then i do. But instead of using that to have negative thinking I have been using it for the positive. I look at them and get inspired. Instead of being upset that I'm not where they are at I say "ill be there soon enough" and keep pushing hard..

I just finished week #1 on Friday and let me tell you it was hard but so good. We took some way cool classes and some not so much. We have been pushing hard. We have been pushing each other. Today marks week #2. I'm gong in with a bang. Trying to keep thinking good about myself and knowing that I have many readers that support me and are inspired makes me push that much harder.

When you think of the word "gym" some might not get excited and some might be scared to even enter through those doors. Use the gym as a positive thing, not as a scary one. Go and make friends or go with ppl you love. It will be easier. It will be fun. It will change your life!

Here's to a healthy booty,

Friday, May 7, 2010

So this is LOVE....

Every little girl wants to be Cinderella. I dont care who your favorite Princess is (mine is Ariel) every girl watches Cinderella and wants a Prince to pick her off her feet and love her like the Prince did. I have always wanted someone to love me. Love me for who I am. Love me for what I am. Love from the inside out. Love my flaws. Love me silliness. Love ME! Someone who will help me for just one moment not feel ugly. for one moment not feel ashamed. for a moment not feel hurt or sad. Help me see things and better myself. Help me love others. Help me make the right choices in life.

I have been beating myself with negativity for a few months now. I have been insecure. I havnt felt pretty and not because people think Im not but because I'm just allowing the enemy get to me. But there is one person who has loved me no matter what size I am or was. Now matter what I have done in the past. No matter what! Today marks out 5 year anniversary. In these 5 years I have about 10 plus songs wirten about me. I have over 20 poems about me. Every girl has one point in their life thought about having atlest one song about them. Im a lucky gal. We have been through everything. We have been through Rocky waters (those are far in between) and the most calm waters (those are about everyday) I can call him whenever and just talk. I can feel sexy. He looks at me as if i am pure gold. He makes me feel beautiful even on the days I dont. He kisses me from head to toe. He tells me he Loves me everyday and can give me 50 reason why (he has done that many times) He will play his guitar and put me to sleep. He calls me just to hear my voice. He wont go to bed unless we resolve our issues. He talks to me. He listens to me. He loves hugging me. He loves kissing me. He is my better half. He is my breath of fresh air. He is my Rock. He is my best friend. He is My Prince Eric. So this is love. One who will put me first as put him fist. One who will love that person so much you forget your on planet Earth. Thank you for these 5 years. We have grown so much. We will continue growing and even through we have and will have bad times it makes us stronger. Im happy. Im loved. Im in love.

Here's to a healthy new booty

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Going Organic & Meatless thursdays! :)

So it has been said that in order to lose weight you have to eat right and exercises. I have been doing just that. Its been about a month or so that we have been eating pretty much everything Organic and we have a vegetarian day once a week. or as Eric would like to call it (meatless Thursdays). We have cut out meat all day and eat veggies. I have made some good meals. i thought it was going to be hard but its been easy. I make pasta on that day esp for dinner since that's what my girls and Eric love to eat. BUT I don't use regular pasta I have been using Organic brown Rice pasta and its super super yummy (You can find it at Trader Joes) We also cut out all fast foods. not that we ate there a lot anyway. But its a good to start now and teach your kids to eat right. And if we o go out we make sure its a place where you can find foods you can eat and not feel bad about it.

Analiza my work out buddy and i will be buying our meat from a Organic free range farm. We will be splitting the cost and amount between the both of us. We are getting our chicken from there too. We both have watched Food Inc and let me tell you once you see it I don't think you will ever look at a hamburger the same way. I don't think eating meat is bad at all BUT when the cows are eating things that make them sick I don't think i would want to give it to my family. If you haven't watched it please do. My next book will be "Skinny Bitch" I hear there are some good things in that book things that will help me live a better life and eat right. I have a few friends that have read it and they are now Vegan. I dont think being vegan is for everyone and i dont think its for me but I know I will learn a lot from this book.

I started the gym on Monday and its been good so far. Today i will meet with my work out partner. We are going 5 times a week 2 hours aday. With all this and eating right i think we will get to our goal a lot faster. If you are having problems going to the gym or eating right try to find someone you can trust. Someone that will keep you on track its way more fun and keeps you doing your best!

Here's to a healthy booty

P.S Im thinking of posting up recipes as well so stay tuned.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Food isnt always good for you..

Have you ever wondered why you are still Fat? Why you still look at your self in the mirror and think "I'm not beautiful" Why you NEVER agree with people when they tell you, you look "amazing" or "Hot" or "stunning". Why you look at them like they are all crazy and in reality You are the one that's nutz? Well I have been dealing with those thought for a very long time. I have been so guilty in looking at myself and saying my not beautiful. I'm fat. I'm gross. I sometimes look at think I have a LONG way to go before feeling good. When I was in high school I was part of the Volleyball team. I felt amazing. I was kinda popular and in the in crowd. Boys liked me. I Liked them. I was a tease. and i would walk in the room like i was the someone. I havnt felt like that for about 6 years. Not that i want to feel conceded but Confident. I want to look at myself and feel great. Say thank you to those that think i look good. and not roll my eyes. What you are about to read i have been working on a few days. I have been thinking over and over again if i should even post this. Because its raw. its my feelings. Its my insecurities. and I fear that people might look at me like I'm crazy or talk behind my back. But the point to this blog was to be real. Real with me. to be real with you and just take steps to better myself. if i talk about the down side and talk about what I struggle with i will be able to face it and just deal.

This weight loss is much deeper then I thought. It has more struggles then just being "thin". Its not about how much I have ate but why I eat so much. Its not about being lazy But why i really don't want to go to the gym. It isn't about one cheat day but about all the times i eat because Im emotional.

about 5 days ago. I dealt with something that I had to deal with a long time ago. I finally was honest and didn't hide. It was so hard for me to call Eric and just tell him what i did and how I felt when i did it. Have any of you binged on food because you were sad. Mad. Scared. tired. Just because. Well I did. This has been such a hard sesion in my life. With family and some friends and just my own hatred towards me. I have taking most of those things personally and when i do I want to hide the pain so I go to find comfort. I had a rough day and didn't eat all day. So I pack on some food sat and watch a movie and just ate. I felt sooo gross afterwards. I hated myself even more and i wanted to throw up. I started to cry and it finally hit me "I have to stop this" Food isn't making me happy. Its making me worst. So instead of dealing with it alone, I called Eric that night at work and told him everything i ate and WHY i did it. Funny thing is that after talking to him, he and i realized that i didn't eat much. Lucky for my my stomach is shrinking... LOL BUT that fact that i was feeling sad and went to food to hide my feelings wasn't good at all. So I have to change the way I think. when i feel sad I have to talk. I have to pray ,read the word keep myself from going into bad habits. I have look at myself in the mirror and Love me for who i am today. Not what i want to be tomorrow or who I was 6 years ago.

Im here to say that I have been unable to do this alone. BUT I'm here to change. Im here to stay strong. Im here to improve not only the pounds i want to lose but the way I view my life. im very blessed and i take my life for granted. i take those that really care for granted and i cant do it anymore. In just this past week of me blogging i have receive 5 emails about girls that will now change because of the few things that i have sad. i have had people thank me for talking this step and helping them realize that they need to live a healthier life. I dont know how I feel about it yet. i might have started this blog for me but Im now doing it for others as well. I don't want to fall but if i do i want to get up that next min and continue instead of waiting 3 months to start again. Eat when hungry dont use it as a drug. It will only push you back and make you feel worst.

Here's to a healthy booty

Monday, April 26, 2010

Its better with Company!

So as you all know the reason for my blog is to keep people updated in how i am doing with my weight lost journey. To keep my myself from slipping. To keep you guys updated on healthy foods and snacks that Ive been trying out and will be trying. I went WW (Weight Watchers) a while ago and 2 of my Friends joined me. I was able to talk to them and they helped me push through it. Well I'm about to start back at WW on Monday (hahahaha). I feel like going to a group meeting will help even more with what I'd like to accomplish. I had lost 35lbs in 2 months from eating right and working out when i was at WW. I know it works. Being around ppl that have the same goal is very helpful. Not only will I be going to a weekly meeting but i have a great friend of mine that will be going with me and to the gym. Her and her husband talked about changing the way they eat and being healthier. Her husband is also behind her and that is a great help. Summer is just about 2 months away and I plan to not only look good but FEEL GREAT! Thanks Analiza for joining me. This will be hard work and there will be days we would want to stay home but with each other I know we can accomplish many things.

Here's to OUR healthy booty

Saturday, April 24, 2010

This is what i was talking about

The first day i plan to go back to the gym I get PINK EYE! This is what i was talking about on my last post. Things seem to come up. Well i didn't make it in to the gym BUT i did get a chance to do some sit ups and push up. It wasn't how I wanted to start but hey I did something. I'm having a few issues typing so I'm going to make it short! Hope tomorrow i feel better. Good night!

Here's to a Healthy booty

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I'll start Monday!

You have heard and used that term at least 10times in your life. It always seems like everyone will start on Monday to go to the gym,eat healthy,go on a diet,stop drinking soda and so on. I know this because i myself have used it way more then i've wanted to and I'm guilty right now!
I started hitting the gym like crazy this February and by hitting it I mean 5 time a week. 2 spin classes a week. one lifting class a week. The treadmill and StairMaster daily. But something happens (I get sick,My girls get sick, its snowing outside etc) and I have to stop for a few days. And those few days end up being 45days. Its been about that long since I went to the gym. And all i kept saying was "ill start on Monday" well it would of been good if i did start after that weekend. In my brain I can only work out at the gym and if my girls catch a cold I cant take them in with me so i miss out on working out. That right there is wrong. I have a big house I can miss out on going to the gym but it shouldn't stop me from working out completely. i mean I can do squats. I can do my sit ups. I can do those DVDS that are collecting dust.
So my Monday starts tomorrow!!! i will not wait another 3 days! 3 days is a very long time. It's time I don't have. So let's stop saying "Ill wait till Monday" Let's start tomorrow. Let's start NOW! Our asses cant wait. i know for sure mine can't!

Here's to a healthily booty

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Keeping it LOW Fat

So picture this.. Your home alone. its late at night and you wanna watch a movie. So you pick a GREAT girl one and think a yummy snack will be perfect! But you are reminded that A) your in a low fat low carb diet & B) Its late so you cant have anything too bad. So you remember you bought those 100 calorie pack cookies. You sit and enjoy the movie. Then you realize the movie is over and the 100 cal pack has now been 600cal since you ate the whole box. You Just thought "Oh its only 100 cal" but what you didn't know is that "LOW FAT" snack can easily become a HIGH one. I have to remind myself that every time. A low fat snack has to stay low fat. Its easy to eat healthy and not really think that healthy things can be harmful. A cup of ice cream can easily lead to a whole pint when sitting with friends enjoying time.
I feel like if I'm not apart in everything including what they are eating then I'm not fully there. So I thought to myself how can I be apart of the picture but keep myself away from types of foods I know i shouldn't be eating. Now people will think its weird when i say this. And i only say it because I use to think it was weird/rude when people did it. But For now on i will bring my own snacks. Its not that i don't like eating at peoples houses or eating my friends/family food its just that I have a goal in mind and i need to be very strict about what goes in my body because we all know it will end up in my butt and i wont be happy about it. So the next time i come over and you offer me something I cant eat don't take it the wrong way please. Trust me Ill take bread and chips over 7 almond's any day! Keep the Low fat snacks LOW!!

Here's to a healthy booty!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Time for a healthy booty

I have been wanting to start blogging again for quite some time. I didn't want to go back and talk about my life and family dram with friends and so on. I wanted it to be inspiring and something I thought would be a great idea to help ME and others. So I started to think of what I was doing that was so Different in my life. Something I thought everyone would take in and understand. Something Big.. Something I wanted to let go of. So i sat down and thought "man I have a BIG ASS" and it hit me.. I need to blog about My ass. Some might think (MEN) this is going to be very good. Well its not. Its about my new weight loss journey its about losing my Fat ass and transforming it into a HEALTHY one. I don't want to buy new jeans and have my butt be a problem anymore. It isn't the only thing I have a problem with it's my thighs and tummy that play a bigger role. I must admit I like having a butt and curves I just need to let go of the nasty squishy rolls and become a healthy toned curvy gal. So here is to a heathly booty One that wont be too much but just right.
